About Me

My name is Diana Laskaris and I have many skills. I’ve climbed corporate ladders, produced motion pictures, transformed troubled businesses, started nonprofits, and even hung out my own shingle. I once held the title of “Swiss Army Knife.” I laugh a lot, enjoy traveling, cook for anyone, hug everyone, and love all animals and the colors of autumn leaves. I understand that life is short and time is our most limited resource.

I believe that people suffer from stress, anxiety, spiritual questioning, grief, creativity blocks, and unwanted behaviors that affect every aspect of their lives. I also believe that people would free themselves of these if only they knew how. Well, I do know how and I’m sharing those skills with others. Let me tell you why.

Diana Laskaris outdoors

In 2001, I lived in New York. I ran with the big dogs, heading up a digital studio in the entertainment industry. It was an exciting time until the world came crashing down around me, literally. On September 11 the World Trade Center, two blocks from my home, exploded in a blaze and collapsed into ashes from an act of terrorism. The experience changed me forever.

After that, I decided I wanted to have a direct positive impact on people’s lives. I answered an ad for a hypnosis and wellness group seeking a clinical director. I discovered firsthand the effect hypnosis and other brief therapies had on everything from weight loss, quitting smoking, phobias, and nail-biting to fear of public speaking.

The devastating effects of the terrorist attacks also affected people who previously were doing fine. Fears, anxiety, insomnia, lack of motivation, inability to concentrate, and a host of other generalized concerns surfaced. Some people became afraid of quiet days or clear blue skies because that was what it was like in New York City on the day of the attacks.

Our subconscious minds soaked it all up and some of us just couldn’t process it all in a way that made sense. In many ways, I feel this is happening again as we continue to experience unexpected tragedies in our uncertain world.

Diana Laskaris with Cat

I studied how to help people break through subconscious blocks using the transformational technologies of Hypnotherapy, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and others. I learned from such legendary talents as Gil Boyne, George Bien, Robert Dilts, Dave Elman, Doug O’Brien, Patrick Porter, and Steve Andreas, as well as the caring experts I worked with every day.

Then I became president of the company. I continued to study and deepen my abilities. I trained in the field of conscious coaching and mind shift methods, learning the techniques of pioneer Thomas Leonard and others. Integrating these services to our powerful array of tools for change had an immediate impact – client satisfaction and results soared.

Diana Laskaris Training

I’ve used my skills since then, and I continue to learn even more. I am a trained Stephen Minister Leader, a spiritually grounded personal coaching method to help people navigate life’s challenges such as job loss, chronic or terminal illness, death of a loved one, relocation, and more.

I live a fantastically full, rewarding, and low-stress life, writing books and articles about things that matter to me, traveling the world, cooking with wild abandon, and exploring my new beautiful country of Portugal. I’m a certified hypnotherapist and Master Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner. I am certified and registered by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, the National Guild of Hypnotists, and the prestigious International Hypnosis Association, who have also honored me with the appointment as a Regional Advisor. I help my clients make the changes they desire, and in doing so I know that I too have changed for good.

My mission is to help others achieve desired changes quickly, easily, and permanently as a transformation professional and certified subconscious behaviorist. I’ve created the Impact Method, an integrated approach to lasting change that accesses the powerful impact of the subconscious mind.

Are you ready to change for good? Let’s get started!




[email protected]

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