Program Packages

come as you are

Specially Designed For You

Are you looking for a breakthrough in a certain area of your life? I work with my clients to achieve their goals efficiently and effectively and have created several programs to address specific concerns.

Each program is designed to educate you about how your mind works, engage your whole mind, and give you the tools for success. These programs are focused on your specific goals and empower you with knowledge and skills for changes that last a lifetime. Each program is tried and true, providing a framework within which I customize a path specially designed for you.

Why Choose A Program?

I work with diverse individuals from entrepreneurs to expats and ensure that each program is tailored to your specific needs and objectives. By purchasing a program, you are committing to your success. I want to reward that commitment and provide a discount on the price of individual sessions as an additional incentive to put yourself first.

Each program consists of one 1-hour session per week unless other arrangements are agreed to in advance.

How To Book A Program?

Book A Program by clicking any “Book A Program” or “Book A Session” link throughout the site and choosing a time that works for your first program session. In the “Details” box on the booking form, put the name of the program you are requesting or, if you would like to create a custom program, state the number of sessions and write “custom program.” Be sure to book at least 48 hours in advance to allow me to provide you with some introductory information and we can agree on the best digital platform for your sessions.

Once you book your first session, I will confirm the date and time of your session work or if there is a conflict, ask you to choose an alternate date and time. Once your first session is confirmed, you can pay with PayPal ([email protected]), Venmo (@Diana-Laskaris-1), or Zelle ([email protected]). For programs, payment in full is made in advance to ensure commitment to the process and allow me to design the program details for you. Most programs paid in advance offer a discount to show my commitment to you too.

Payment must be made within 24 hours of booking or the appointment will be cancelled. If you are unable to make your session you must inform me at least 24 hours before the session. You can book a rescheduled session and your payment will be retained and used for that session. There will be no refund for sessions missed without 24 hours prior notice or for uncompleted programs.

Here are my most popular programs with more being added all the time!

Weight Loss Success

If you’ve been struggling with your weight and trying to manage unruly eating behaviors, this program is for you. You may know what you are supposed to eat, how much, and when to stop, but even if you have some success, your subconscious fights you every step of the way. Whether it’s emotional eating, unhealthy food choices, lack of exercise motivation, or even not knowing what steps to take to get to a healthier you, this program will begin to help you break through the subconscious barriers that are keeping you from success. The 10 sessions included in this program will set you solidly on your weight loss journey and provide you with the tools you need to succeed.

Program Price $500 for 10 Sessions. Book A Program!

Fitness Nutrition Coaching

As a NESTA Certified Fitness Nutrition Coach, I can help you understand your body’s nutrition and fitness needs for optimal living and peak performance. Whether you want to achieve a greater level of overall well-being, train for a specific athletic event, or change your nutritional and fitness profile to meet your lifestyle goals, this program will give you the knowledge and motivation to succeed. I can educate you on health and nutrition concepts, identify fitness and nutrition goals, share strategies to help you achieve your goals, and offer support and accountability during your journey. This program can be used to supplement any weight loss or subconscious transformation program or provide independent ongoing support for your health and fitness goals. Fitness Nutrition Coaching is provided on a monthly basis.

Program Price $200 per month for 4 Sessions. Book A Program!

Stress Buster

Stress affects everyone differently but if left unchecked it can negatively affect your health and every aspect of your daily life. If stress is making your life challenging this program will help you relieve stress and learn to manage it after the program as well. You’ll have sessions that teach you techniques and give you tools that will enable you to relax and enjoy your life again. Special emphasis is given to instant relief techniques that you can use whenever you become overwhelmed and just need to give yourself a break.

Program Price $200 for 4 Sessions. Book A Program!

Relocation Adjustment/Social Anxiety

Whether you have moved to a new city or country, or just have anxiety about dealing with new people and situations, you may be experiencing isolation, frustration, and even fear about dealing with the multi-faceted aspects of interaction. Adapting to new surroundings, new cultures, and new people all can feel overwhelming, causing even more anxiety. This program will help you recover your best self and enable you to feel comfortable in just about any social situation.

Program Price $400 for 8 Sessions. Book A Program!

Self-Esteem and Confidence Booster

Do you have trouble recognizing your unique and wonderful qualities? Have trouble acknowledging your accomplishments? Or maybe you spend a lot of time seeking affirmation from others, only to feel as though you’re “not good enough” no matter what you have achieved. Believing in your own value as a person can sometimes be hard, especially if you’ve accepted subconscious messages that make you feel otherwise. Unwind those misplaced beliefs and regain your personal power. When you know how special you are and feel it on the inside, you find the need to get validation from external sources much less important. This program will help you gain the self-esteem and confidence to share yourself and your gifts with the world, enjoying the process regardless of any outcome.

Program Price $350 for 7 Sessions. Book A Program!

Relationship and Communication Strategies

Are you satisfied with the relationships in your life? Do you wonder why you choose the partners you do and seem to repeat the same patterns over and over again? If you feel like you have trouble communicating with the people you most want to understand and be understood by in turn? Much of your behavior has been determined from childhood and your subconscious mind holds on to that programming, guiding your attractions throughout your life. The good news is that once you understand and recognize the important dynamics of communication and interaction styles, you can improve your romantic, personal, and business relationships at all levels. This program will teach you a specific process for understanding, predicting, and ultimately shaping behavior to build successful relationships. With opportunities to practice what you learn, this program is potentially life-altering.

Program Price $250 for 5 Sessions. Book A Program!

Discovery Journeys

Each of us has an inner wisdom that holds answers to our most vexing questions. Discovery Journeys using mythic and archetypal therapeutic imagery provide a pathway to self-exploration that can benefit you in many different ways. The program creates facilitated paths for you to overcome negativity, bypass limitations, reveal untapped potential, and move forward in life. Each journey builds upon the previous one, creating momentum and positive personal evolution. If you are feeling stuck in a rut, creatively blocked, confused, or just looking to learn more about what you want and need in your life, the Discovery Journeys program opens a whole world of possibilities and ideas.

Program Price $300 for 6 Sessions. Book A Program!

LGBTQ+ Issues

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I am sensitive to the issues that many people face. Coming out, overcoming fear, accepting yourself, managing stress, gaining confidence, dealing with friends, relatives and partners is just the beginning. Transgender folks in various stages of transition can be especially vulnerable to challenges that affect emotional security and sense of self. If you’re a member of the community or someone facing challenges related to LGBTQ+ identity or questions, I provide a program that can explore the multi-faceted issues that may concern you. Each course in this program is specifically tailored to your needs and goals.

Program Price $200 for 4 Sessions. Book A Program!

Pain Release

If you suffer from chronic pain you know that your whole life is affected. While pain can come from various causes, your body responds to the signals being sent by your mind. When you learn to manage your mind through the techniques and tools you gain from this program, you can minimize the discomfort and disruption that arise. This program is not a substitute for medical advice. But, gaining the ability to manage your pain with your mind is a powerful supplement that can improve your daily life.

Program Price $500 for 10 Sessions. Book A Program!


When you cannot sleep, everything else seems to be more difficult. Whether you sit up at night worrying, wake up many times, or have gotten into an unhealthy late-night routine, making a few mental adjustments and learning how to develop a better relationship between your body and rest will help you shift into a comfortable sleeping pattern again. This program is a great way to learn to relax and allow yourself the space to fall asleep and stay asleep, waking refreshed, rejuvenated, and renewed.

Program Price $200 for 4 Sessions. Book A Program!

Solo Superhero

Navigating the world as a single person can sometimes be an emotional roller coaster. Whether you are newly solo, committed to being a party of one, or just haven’t made the leap to coupledom, you can enjoy a truly fulfilling, exciting, and rewarding life in every respect. But when you feel like everyone around you, or the world in general, is cramping your style, it can help to have an ironclad subconscious that knows who you are and what you can do, all by yourself. Learning to be a Solo Superhero begins with understanding the unique pleasures of being on your own. This program can help you get the most out of your independent lifestyle and reach new levels of satisfaction and joy every day. if you are seeking a partner, this program can help enhance your single time, and when followed by the Relationship and Communication Strategies program, can lead you to clear, meaningful connections with others.

Program Price $200 for 4 Sessions. Book A Program!

Productivity Power

When you have a lot to get done it can sometimes feel overwhelming. It’s difficult to know where to start and how to prioritize. One of the most important gifts you can give yourself is clarity. When you know where you are heading, you can choose the best way to get there and the steps you need to take along the way. You will learn tools that can help you gain focus and stay focused to achieve your goals in a realistic and measured way in this program. Whether you are a student, entrepreneur, artist, homemaker, or someone who simply has a lot on your plate, the productivity power program is like a boost of energy that propels you in the right direction and keeps you going while you add up success after success.

Program Price $300 for 6 Sessions. Book A Program!

Personal or Professional Coaching

If you’re at a place in your life where you want to explore yourself and your life on deep level, a personal coaching program may be right for you. Coaching can help you find a sense of purpose, boost confidence, build effective communication skills, identify priorities and set goals, improve relationships, make better decisions, and much more. Working with a coach can help you achieve personal growth and professional development. A coach can help you identify your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, values, and more. Working together you can establish a plan to achieve your goals. Every coaching relationship is personalized for each client and has a monthly commitment of 1 meeting per week for a minimum of 3 months.

Coaching Program Prices begin at $600 for 3 months. Coaching may also be used in conjunction with a subconscious behavior program or individual supplemental sessions. Book A Program!

Customized Programs To Suit Your Needs

I am certified in a wide array of transformational technologies including hypnotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming, emotional freedom technique, personal coaching, handwriting analysis, and fitness nutrition coaching that can have a powerful positive impact on personal development and behavioral change. If you are dealing with issues like creativity block, PTSD, body image, ADHD, fears or phobias, IBS, procrastination, generalized anxiety, sports performance, motivation, high blood pressure, panic attacks, migraines, undesirable habits like smoking and nail-biting, or any mental or emotionally based issues, get in touch and we can talk about the right approach designed just for you.

You can email me at [email protected] with the subject heading “Custom Program Question.”