Even when things are most challenging, I do my best to be a positive person. I am fortunate to have arms, legs, eyes, and ears that all work pretty well. My mind is capable of learning new bits of information and retaining old ones. I have, despite all odds, found someone to share my life with who understands my values and accepts my quirks and character flaws without running in the opposite direction. And, I am accepting enough of myself to share inspirations and ideas with others around me whether they agree with me or not.

As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, I feel most days that these gifts are a bounty. Some days though, they feel pitifully small. When others impose their views on you or totally disregard yours, it’s difficult to remember that prejudice and bigotry are in the mind of the beholder, so to speak.

The LGBTQ+ community has been experiencing greater acknowledgement of rights, if not acceptance in the U.S. and around the world. There is a growing affirmation that certain rights are fundamental to everyone. But, as it’s said, you can’t legislate what’s in people’s hearts. And all too often, the hearts of those around us – co-workers, bosses, neighbors, friends, and family as well as those far away – are not totally with us. Our experience is something they cannot understand so they don’t “get” us and there’s a wall between us that prevents a truly seamless co-existence. There’s an underlying, though often unspoken, sense that somehow, we’re not okay just being who we are.

That feeling, however subtle, of “otherness” can create discomfort or even friction for us in our lives. No matter how okay we feel about ourselves or how adamantly we appeal to others for their acceptance and affirmation, we sometimes come away with less than total contentment. And this can result in a layer of stress, almost imperceptible, that floats atop the other stresses we encounter in our everyday lives. As these stresses build up they can take their toll, making us behave in ways that are not good for our health and well-being.

As with other areas of life where we need to manage and reframe our responses, hypnosis and coaching are exceptional tools for self-management and improvement for LGBTQ+ folks. When we want to find ways to combat the unspoken stresses that are particular to our lives, it’s a great relief to know that personal development doesn’t flinch at the sight of a rainbow. In fact, it welcomes it with open arms until we can do the same with ourselves, inside and out.

If you, someone you love, or those around you are having challenges related to LGBTQ+ status or issues, I’ve got your back. In addition to a giant toolbox of personal development methods, I also have special training and certification in hypnosis for transgender issues to work with those on all sides of a transition.