Woman of a Certain Age


Being a woman is tricky. You’re supposed to be good at, well, everything. And, by the time you hit a certain age, the expectation is that you now know everything as well. You’re no longer considered “young,” which may translate into it being okay that you don’t really get into the “skinny jeans” thing. But you’re not old either, so no one’s going to cut you slack if you tell the same story twice.

Being a woman of a certain age is like being invited to the best party in town only to realize that you have absolutely nothing suitable to wear. And thus, the tension begins.

Don’t get me wrong. Being a woman is amazing. We know how to communicate with actual words. Our public restrooms are better and cleaner. Our actuarial tables are favorable and our car insurance rates are cheaper.

Even so, we face issues that only we women can understand. Children asserting their independence in a way that makes us feel we’ve outgrown our usefulness. Expectations that at our age we should have already had a successful career, public accolades, tons of cash in the bank, and outstanding family member achievements to gloat about as well. We should all be able to manage our finances, our waistlines and our neighbors with the skill of a U.N. Ambassador. And by the way, why aren’t we a U.N. Ambassador? We should be doing something globally impactful with our lives – now that we’ve achieved all the other baseline goals.

And, of course, meeting others’ expectations is a female specialty. No less so as we reach our prime. We want to have an impact on the world around us. Meanwhile, we get absorbed by day-to-day responsibilities that seem never to end. We have more than our fair share of household duties, office duties, family duties – everything feels like a duty sometimes! So while we want to surge ahead in our seasoned lives, sometimes we get stuck, hard and deep, in the regularity of our day-to-day and the sludge of our own expectations. Sometimes we just don’t know how to do things we want to do in the face of things we have to do. As a result, we can feel less than our best and become overwhelmed with the crush of it all. We feel like we’re in a rut and we don’t know how to get out of it. We feel out of balance. This is the difference between thriving and surviving. And surviving just isn’t enough.

Maybe we have a vision for ourselves, ideas that we gave up on while other priorities took up the main part of our lives. It’s not that easy to shift gears, but it can be done. What’s more important is that once we start to focus on what we want in our lives, we begin to create an energy that moves it toward it us faster. Applying ourselves to goals that are meaningful to us works at any age in life.

How about you? Do you feel like you’re on the sidelines of the life you want? If so, you first have to figure out a few things you’ve pushed under the carpet for awhile. Who are you? What do you want? Why does one pant leg seem shorter than the other? All of these and more are questions that can form the foundation of a great program of hypnosis and coaching for you. Along with breaking through the subconscious blocks that have outlived their usefulness, you can learn to open up worlds of meaning and satisfaction in your life that have been out of reach to you – until now.

I love to spend time with women of a certain age and help them clarify, activate and achieve their vision of themselves. Showing you how to tap into your intuition, imagination, dormant skills and talents, can be life-altering as well as lots of fun.

I Can Help

If you’re a woman, whether struggling with challenges of being at a certain age, looking to define and accelerate your life, or if you’re dealing with stress, self-esteem or other issues, I’d love to spend time with you and help you realize your amazing potential. I work hard to make sure that every personalized session fits into your very hectic schedule.